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Bi-Monthly webinars, Fridays, 1-2:30 pm Eastern (12pm Central/10am Pacific)

Join us for this continuing education series -- a free conference held for practitioners who are actively involved in supervision.  Learnnetwork, and share historical and innovative practices in clinical supervision for mental health professionals.
The events scheduled in this series meet every other month and new dates are added on a continual basis:

Save the dates for future events:

  • September 20, 2024

  • November 15, 2024

Distinctions in Social Work Supervision

May 10, 2024 from 12-3:20pm EDT (11am CDT/9am PDT)

This course offers a framework for distinguishing social work supervision from other clinical supervision forms. While supervision in professional counseling, for example, shares similarities, it differs by often focusing on specific therapeutic techniques. Social work supervision, on the other hand, embraces a broader, multifaceted ecological approach.

This course will discuss a social worker's ecological perspective and ethical considerations and will talk about how these aspects shape clinical supervision and contribute to the skillful development of social workers. This course will discuss some of the aspects of micro and macro practice in social work practice and what the superiors’s role is for these.

This course will also discuss the ethical importance addressing a client’s broader societal, systemic and environmental factors- a unique and distinctive practice within social work supervision and continuing education. Finally, this course will provide case examples with intervention strategies that will illustrate how to uphold social work core values, aligned with the NASW Code of Ethics, including service, social justice, dignity, importance of human relationships, integrity, and competence.

Introduction to Eating Disorders Treatment

June 21, 2024 from 1-2:30pm EDT (12pm CDT / 10am PDT)

Eating disorders are serious illnesses that can impact all areas of functioning and have the second highest mortality rate of any mental health condition. Despite misleading stereotypes about who suffers from eating disorders, we know that people of all genders, ages, races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, religious beliefs, socioeconomic statuses, body shapes, and weights can develop eating disorders. It is estimated that nearly 30 million individuals in the U.S. will suffer from an eating disorder during their lifetime, with prevalence rates in children and adolescents increasing by over 100% in the past decade. There are numerous etiological factors that influence the development and maintenance of eating disorders, including the many sociocultural stressors of the current day including the long-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. For these reasons, it is imperative for clinicians to have adequate training and knowledge in the treatment of these complex and often misunderstood conditions.

This introductory workshop will provide an overview of biological, psychological and sociocultural factors that contribute to both the development and maintenance of eating disorders and will equip clinicians to identify the warning signs of an eating disorder. This workshop is an excellent primer for clinicians because individuals with eating disorders will show up in your practice, even if you do not specialize in working with this population. Due to the complex nature and consequences of eating disorders, a brief overview of nutritional and medical considerations will also be included.

Introduction to OCD Treatment

June 28, 2024 from 1-2:30pm EDT (12pm CDT / 10am PDT)

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition characterized by obsessions (repetitive, intrusive, and distressing thoughts) and compulsions (repetitive behaviors or mental acts performed in response to the obsessions). It's important to note that treatment for OCD typically involves a combination of therapy, medication, and ongoing supportive measures and that most clinicians do not get specialized training in treating OCD as part of traditional clinical education. While many clinicians may find treating individuals with OCD to be daunting and intimidating, quality evidence-based treatments, such as Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), are available and highly effective in managing OCD symptoms and improving quality of life.

As OCD is often misunderstood and misdiagnosed, this introductory workshop will provide important considerations for differential diagnosis and treatment planning, including the fundamentals of Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP). This workshop is an excellent primer for clinicians who are interested in learning more about how to effectively identify and treat individuals with OCD.

Using Inventories and Feedback Measure to Support Supervision

July 19, 2024 from 1-2:30pm EDT (12pm CDT / 10am PDT)

Supervisees everywhere are asking for clear and detailed feedback on how they can improve their clinical skills. Accreditation programs and schools provide clarity on benchmarks and competencies, but supervisees want more. Supervisors can build supports within their supervision by utilizing inventories and feedback measures to help supervisees define their strengths and growing areas as well as create clearly defined goals and objectives. We all know supervision is more than just listening to them discuss their client cases.

Supervisors who are new to the industry or Supervisors who have been doing this for a while can benefit from learning about these inventories and feedback measures. Post-Pandemic Research has highlighted the changes in our industry, especially in the areas of support and feedback within supervision. As supervisors, we need to adapt to the new needs of our supervisees. In this course, you will develop some new understanding of the Inventories and Feedback Measures, some creative ways to introduce these to your supervisees, and some clarity in understanding what to look for when adding inventories and feedback measures to your supervision practice.

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